Romantic, beautiful, natural | New York wedding, proposal, engagement, portrait photography » New York City wedding, proposal, engagement, kids, family and boudoir photography

Sikh Indian wedding ~ New York Indian wedding photography

I had the pleasure to photograph a Sikh Indian wedding last winter with Canadian photographer Baz Kanda from Five Rivers Studio.

The  Sikh wedding ceremony had so many beautiful and festive rituals and vibrant colors and details.

Here are some of the highlights from the ceremony.  Enjoy!

Congratulations to Pooja and Ravi!

Sikh Indian wedding ceremony

Sikh Indian wedding ceremony

Sikh Indian wedding ceremony

Sikh Indian wedding ceremony

Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony

Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony

Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony

Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony

Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony

Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony
Sikh Indian wedding ceremony


Sikh Indian wedding ceremony photography by Mariann Szucs, Blue Daisy Weddings


Susan Ashe - These are gorgeous Mariann! What fun to shoot with Baz too.

London and Stonehenge

Travel photography in London and Stonehenge, UK by Mariann Szucs

mark - some lovely photos – thanks for sharing these – some very iconic buildings. Friends who have been to see stonehenge have said that it is a bit dissapointing – not sure what they were expecting!

mark - nice photos – thankyou for sharing them were they taken when you were on holiday?

Zed - Thanks for posting such lovely photos

SoHo art gallery surprise marriage proposal

The moment Grace stepped into the Soho art gallery she knew it was not a friend’s exhibit as Paul promised – it was something so much more special.

The floor was covered with rose petals, giant digital frames were displaying quotes about love and photos of the couple and a wall covered with pink ribbons and a proposal in Korean.

Paul popped the question and Grace happily said yes – all in Korean.

Then we took a walk in the artsy and eclectic neighborhood for some portraits.  Afterwards Grace and Paul returned to the gallery to celebrate with champagne and a specially prepared dinner for two.

Congratulations to Paul and Grace – wishing you much love and happiness!

art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
Korean surprise marriage proposal
New York City art gallery surprise marriage proposal
newly engaged couple in SoHo NYC
newly engaged couple in SoHo NYC
newly engaged couple in SoHo NYC
NYC surprise marriage proposal photography
NYC surprise marriage proposal photography
NYC surprise marriage proposal photography
engagement ring
NYC surprise marriage proposal photography
NYC surprise marriage proposal black and white photography
 proposal black and white photography
NYC surprise marriage proposal photographer
engagement and proposal photography New York City
 SoHo NYC engagement and proposal photography New York City
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal
art gallery surprise marriage proposal


Ashton Keefe – private chef

Gallery: Soho Gallery for Digital Art

Ashton Keefe - Looks great!

Katie Kingman - Your photos are beautiful!! 🙂

Elizabeth van der Bij - What a super sweet proposal! So romantic!

Danny proposes to Tanvi ~ NYC proposal photography

Inspired by their mutual love for traveling Danny popped the question to Tanvi in a Manhattan hotel suite decorated with vintage travel trunks, photos of the couple, memories written on paper planes, flowers and map of the world while soft guitar music played in the background.  Naturally, Tanvi said Yes!

Congratulations and best wishes to Danny and Tanvi!

travel inspired surprise marriage proposal photography
travel inspired surprise marriage proposal photography
travel inspired surprise marriage proposal photography
travel inspired surprise marriage proposal photography
travel inspired surprise marriage proposal photography
New York City surprise marriage proposal photography
New York City surprise marriage proposal photography
New York City surprise marriage proposal photography
New York City surprise marriage proposal photography
New York City surprise marriage proposal photography She said Yes
surprise proposal photographer
New York City surprise marriage proposal photography
New York City surprise marriage proposal photography
romantic marriage proposal
marriage proposal with musician
New York City surprise marriage proposal photography
New York City surprise marriage proposal photography
New York City surprise marriage proposal photography
just engaged couple in Manhattan NYC
just engaged couple in Manhattan NYC
engagement ring proposal
just engaged couple in Manhattan NYC
just engaged couple in Manhattan NYC
just engaged couple in Manhattan NYC
surprise marriage proposal with musician
newly engaged couple
engagement photography
he proposed and she said yes
marriage proposal photos
marriage proposal with vintage suitcases, maps and photographs


Check out the amazing highlight film from Love in Progress:


The vendors who helped Danny in the amazing proposal:

Sarah Pease and her team from Brilliant Event Planning

Video: Moko from Love in Progress

Photography: Mariann Szucs from Blue Daisy Weddings

Creative Travel Inspired Proposal planned by Brilliant Event Planning | Love in Progress - […] were taken by Mariann of Blue Daisy Weddings. Click here and see those photos! So […]

Lisa - Thank you think it is a beautiful sharing

New York Marriage Proposal Planning by the Proposal Planner » NYC Wedding, Proposal, Engagement, Kids, Family and Boudoir Photographer | Blue Daisy Blog NYC - […] is my proposal photo on the show and the link to the full blog post. NYC proposal photographer Mariann […]

Marriage proposal photographer New York » NYC Wedding, Proposal, Engagement, Kids, Family and Boudoir Photographer | Blue Daisy Blog NYC - […] Here is the link to Danny and Tanvi’s proposal on my blog: Danny proposes to Tanvi […]

13 Cute Proposal Photos | Weddings In Rhode Island - […] Photo: Blue Daisy Weddings […]